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What Investors Need to Know about Senior Debt Mortgage Assets, Secured by Commercial Real Estate

What Investors Need to Know about Senior Debt Mortgage Assets, Secured by Commercial Real Estate

Investors looking at investing in mortgage assets secured by commercial real estate (CRE) typically ask two key questions regarding credit risk, as part of their due diligence process:

  1. What are the standards used to assess credit and underwrite the debt?

  2. What happens to the investment should a borrower not meet payment obligations?

Commercial real estate mortgage assets are attractive due to their potential for equity-like returns without significant volatility, supported by robust analysis and structured asset pools to ensure capital preservation and effective management of non-performing loans. Investment in CRE requires careful consideration of downside risk, primarily evaluated through rigorous credit assessment and underwriting standards alongside default management strategies.

The evolution of the CRE lending market has seen a shift from traditional to private lenders, broadening investor access and enhancing the appeal of private debt. Short-term, bridge loan mortgage assets are particularly favored for their high yields and strong collateral backing, including first-lien positions on commercial properties. These investments are designed to provide higher returns than traditional fixed incomes and incorporate additional safeguards such as borrower guarantees to minimize risk.

Access the entire article to discover the benefits of structured asset pools, rigorous underwriting processes, and the evolving landscape of CRE lending.

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Table of Contents

  • Benefits of investing in short-term, bridge loan mortgage assets

  • Risk mitigation through strong underwriting

  • A close-up look at how we underwrite commercial real estate loans

  • What happens when a borrower stops making payments?

  • How does a foreclosure work?

  • The value of investing in a commercial real estate (CRE) fund

Thanks to our Contributor

M360 Advisors

M360 Advisors invests in niche segments of private credit and manages a vertically integrated credit strategy that targets short duration commercial mortgage assets secured in first lien position by income-producing properties. The firm’s objective is to preserve invested capital and achieve attractive and sustainable risk-adjusted returns relative to traditional fixed income investments, while also providing reasonable liquidity to investors. M360 Advisors oversees the entire value chain internally – from sourcing loans all the way through to portfolio management.

By focusing exclusively on secured investments that are senior in the capital structure, we are able to deliver to our clients a rare combination of stable, uncorrelated returns with significant collateral protection.


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