For every day you are not building your investor pipeline you are decreasing your chances of getting an allocation as its a numbers game. What you do or not do today will impact you months from now.
The end of the year seems to be the typical time most funds evaluate their pipeline and set goals.
Do you have enough prospective investors in the pipeline to get an allocation by mid-2019?
“Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today” -- Benjamin Franklin
In the last 10 years, the competition for assets and returns have increased tremendously, and the length of time of raising capital has elongated. Be mindful of these typical statistics when you build up your marketing strategy.
8 to 11 meetings to an allocation
8 months to 2 years to an allocation
Average 8 hours to get the first meeting
We have numerous discussions with funds of all sizes. Two of the biggest mistakes we see that should be avoided are:
"I stopped marketing because we had a down month"
"I stopped prospecting new investors because I had to concentrate on closing investors"
Are you evaluating your marketing strategy for 2019?
Are traditional marketing methods working for you?
Do you have the right team, resources, strategy to be a success?